SP Jain School of Global Management’s Singapore Campus proudly welcomed close to 200 students from 21 countries, a record-breaking number for our institution, to the September 2018 cohort of the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program. Staying true to our vision of borderless classrooms, we have been joined by undergraduate students, or Jaguars as we call them, from China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, Philippines, Spain and Thailand, among other nations.

The Jaguars of September 2018 have come together for their international adventure with SP Jain, to learn and live in three different megacities of the world – Singapore, Dubai and Sydney – and become independent global business leaders. The new Jaguars will not only interact with people of different backgrounds but also understand the global nature of business in the most compelling way – through actual exposure to diverse cultures, political beliefs, traditions and technological innovations.

The BBA Orientation of September 2018 cohort took place on August 29, 2018 at The Star Vista, an urban retail sanctuary set within a unique integrated natural environment, in Singapore. Kickstarting the orientation were three key leaders of SP Jain – Mr. Nitish Jain, President; Dr. John Fong, CEO and Head of Campus (Singapore); and Prof. John Lodewijks, Vice President, Academic; who officiated the event with a lamp-lighting ceremony. It was followed by Ms. Diana Lyn David reciting the SP Jain prayer and one of the new students, Sara Cifuentes from Guatemala, leading her peers with the Students’ Pledge. Additionally, Prof. Golo Weber, Assistant Dean (Undergraduate), was on stage with an engaging welcoming address and introduction to the faculty. The ceremony ended with Ms. Hagit Ben Ari, counsellor and life coach, guiding students on adapting to life on campus and encouraging them to use counselling services if needed.
As we could not miss capturing moments of excited Jaguars and parents bonding over newly forged friendships, we gathered all students, parents, faculty and staff for a great photo opportunity.

Shortly after coming back to the Singapore campus post lunch, the students collected their Jaguars t-shirts for an afternoon of Treasure Hunt! While the students were engaged in fun team-bonding activities, SP Jain organised a parent-only interactive Q&A session and campus tour. The Orientation Day ended with a cocktail session with parents, faculty and staff mingling and exchanging insights.

Team SP Jain wishes all the Jaguars an engaging learning experience in Singapore.