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SPJ Alumni Mixer – Postgraduate Students Interact with the Alumni at Singapore


A group of passionate alumni joined us at the Singapore Campus on 8th February, for the SP Jain Alumni Mixer. Sharing real insights into the changing career market and the potential in the industry they currently represent, the alumni shared their study and work experiences with our current MGB and Global MBA students. The discussions delved into various topics including Marketing, Finance, Supply Chain, and Technology.

A group of passionate alumni joined us at the Singapore Campus on 8th February, for the SP Jain Alumni Mixer. Sharing real insights into the changing career market and the potential in the industry they currently represent, the alumni shared their study and work experiences with our current MGB and Global MBA students. The discussions delved into various topics including Marketing, Finance, Supply Chain, and Technology.

SPJ Alumni Mixer – Postgraduate Students
SPJ Alumni Mixer – Postgraduate Students

"We’re very appreciative of all our alumni’s hard work and their support for the school. We hope that our current students, now in their final term, will be able to benefit from the session and translate the action points to be career-ready", said Jyothi Srivastava, Director of Professor Readiness Program at SP Jain School of Global Management.



SP Jain Xpressions – Alumni Come Together at the Singapore Campus