Did you know that the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) is the world’s fastest Stock Exchange? The BSE takes around 500,000 orders a second at 6 micro-seconds’ response. Home to a whopping 5800 listed companies on its exchange, the BSE is Asia’s first stock exchange listed in 1875. On July 9, 2017, it celebrated 142 years of its existence. The BSE is also the first Exchange in the country and second in the world to receive Information Security Management System Standard BS 7799-2-2002 certification for its Online Trading System (BOLT).
To help the BBA Jags get a feel of the real Investor World, Prof. Shrinivas Shikaripurkar took the Mumbai Jags over to an educational tour of this vast complex. The moment the BBA Jags reached the venue, there was a pleasant surprise in store for them: a visit to the nerve centre of the exchange, the area where all the transactions are monitored over computer screens, which is a highly-restricted zone & requires special permission to gain entry. BBA Jags were briefed about the various procedures that are followed in this sensitive area followed by which they were taken to a briefing session.

The areas covered during the briefing session included the investment options, the philosophy of capital markets investment & the dos & don’ts of investing, which was done by a senior equity market professional & faculty of the BSE.
The briefing session culminated into a Q&A round with BBA Jags promising to become real-time investors & use their management skills & wisdom to become the next-gen leaders of the business world post their stint with SP Jain Global.
The Jags then proceeded to the cafeteria area to unwind through which they had panoramic views of both the east & the west coast of peninsular South Mumbai region from the 18th floor.
As the visit ended at around 1600 hours by which time trading had ceased for the day, the Jags were informed that on that day, the BSE Sensex climbed to its highest ever close of 32,073.38 for the first time ever!