SP Jain in the News

Here’s why efficient logistics can be the backbone for economic progress – Dr Rajiv Aserkar writes in Business Today


Dr Rajiv Aserkar (Professor, Director - DAMCO Int' Graduate Program, Area Head - Logistics and Supply Chain Management) writes in Business Today – a leading business daily, on the importance of efficient logistics as a backbone for economic progress. The article highlights Logistics Performance Index (LPI) and proposes various steps India can take to achieve the target of being among the top 25 countries in LPI ranking by 2030.

Dr Rajiv Aserkar

In the article, Dr Aserkar emphasises that efficient logistics can enhance productivity, reduce costs, increase employment opportunities, optimise manufacturing processes, and deliver better customer service.

“Some of the important steps towards improving the LPI score under international shipments could be promoting low-cost transportation mode, cargo consolidation, improving economies of scale, and improving cargo handling facilities. Digitisation of documents and automation of port operations can reduce bureaucratic delays,” adds Dr Aserkar.

To read the full article, please click here.



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