SP Jain in the News

Why should working professionals pursue a course in DBA? - Dr Koilakuntla Maddulety writes in Shiksha


Dr Koilakuntla Maddulety (Professor and Deputy Director - Doctor of Business Administration, SP Jain School of Global Management) writes an article in Shiksha, an educational portal, on reasons why working professionals should pursue a course in Doctor of Business Administration (DBA).

Inside Image_ Dr Koilakuntla Maddulety (1)

In the article, Dr Maddulety says, “DBA courses across the globe are designed for working professionals by eliminating all the non-value-added activities and by incorporating technologies in each phase of the research process to becoming working professional, friendly design. The professional can complete the DBA without sacrificing their lucrative jobs, but by sacrificing their weekend time.”

He further mentions that other than the friendly course design, pursuing a DBA course assures a very high return on investment, and also prepares for senior management roles, among other reasons.

To read the full article, please click here.



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