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Do employees view technological intrusions as a loss of autonomy? ET HR World interviews Dr Shalini Chandra


In an interview with ET HR World, Dr Shalini Chandra (Associate Professor – Information Technology, SP Jain School of Global Management) talks about the potential pitfalls of organisational Information & Communication Technology (ICT) on employee performance.

ET HR World interviews Dr Shalini Chandra

Dr Shalini Chandra highlights that though organisational ICTs can play a prominent role in facilitating innovation, they also intrude into employees’ personal space, enabling the potential for continuous monitoring of their actions and behaviours. “This creates a paradoxical situation, where the very same ICTs purported to enhance employee innovation by providing continuous connectivity and information exchange, may, in fact, have adverse employee outcomes.”

Motivated by this dilemma about the mixed influence of organisational ICTs on employee outcomes, Dr Shalini Chandra, along with her co-authors Anuragini Shirish from Institut Mines-Telecom Business Ecole, France, and Shirish C Srivastava from HEC, Paris, sought to investigate the impact in their research paper titled ‘Theorizing technological spatial intrusion for ICT enabled employee’.

To know the key findings of the study and read the full interview, please click here.




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