SP Jain in the News

Vikram Pandya discusses the role of ‘Innovation Centers’ and future of learning


In today’s dynamic world, traditional learning methods are no longer relevant. Emerging technologies like Blockchain, AI/ML, Big Data, Cloud computing, IoT, Quantum computing and AR/VR are rapidly reshaping the business models. Given the scenario, the leaders of tomorrow will require different and constantly evolving skillset to operate in this dynamic environment. Top business schools around the world have identified this shift and have started ‘Innovation Centers’ to address these changing needs.



What is an ‘Innovation Center’ and what are the methods and techniques adopted to foster creativity and cultivate leadership skills? Vikram Pandya, Director – Fintech, SP Jain School of Global Management, Mumbai Campus, shares in an article titled “Role of Innovation Centers and future of learning” in Education World, a comprehensive online resource for teachers, administrators and school staff.




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