SP Jain in the News

How India can be the world’s most powerful country even after robots take away our jobs – Dr Silvia Vianello writes in India Today


Automation is upon us and technology is fast replacing routine jobs. Only those who can use their human skills of empathy and creativity will keep their jobs. So how will India win? Dr Silvia Vianello, Director Innovation Lab - Dubai Campus, SP Jain School of Global Management, has shared her take in an article titled ‘How India can be the world’s most powerful country even after robots take away our jobs’ featured in India Today, one of India’s leading media publications, on 5th November 2018.

“While it’s still largely a developing country, there are certain areas where India already stands far above the developed nations and will do even more when robots and AI will replace a lot of current jobs,” writes Dr Silvia Vianello.

She highlights that the clear Indian vision to invest in technical capabilities will sort out the exponential big effect with robots and Artificial Intelligence (AI). “There are more technological capabilities in India than anywhere else in the world… India must keep investing and enhancing the technical capabilities of its population and there is no doubt it will be very soon second to no one,” says Dr Vianello.

Dr Vianello suggests that kids at school should be taught how to code, how the search engine algorithms work, algorithm of big data analysis, how to develop robots, neural networks and how to develop their own video game. “But all this shouldn’t be done at the university level but needs to start from primary school. If they start when they are kids, there is no doubt when they will be at university, they will be already able to make together a new Indian history page and will drive India to become the most powerful country in the world,” Dr Vianello concludes.



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