SP Jain in the News

Dr Silvia Vianello on The Business Breakfast - Dubai Eye


Dr Silvia Vianello (Director Innovation Lab) was recently interviewed by one of the most popular business radio stations, Dubai Eye, for The Business Breakfast show.

The talk covered several aspects on innovation including:

1. How can innovation be a game-changer for any company/start-up?
2. How will SP Jain’s Innovation Lab help companies and the UAE community?
3. How important is education in the growth of the UAE?
4. What are the different stakeholders the SP Jain Innovation Lab is collaborating with to support the GCC digital transformation?

About The Business Breakfast:

Dubai EYE’s award-winning flagship show, The Business Breakfast, features high profile guests and generates discussion on the issues that matter. The show attracts 91,000 un-duplicated listeners.



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