
Adjunct Faculty

Areas of Expertise

  • R and Statistics, Machine Learning


  • 1975 Bachelor's degree in mathematics and physics at the Technical University of Karlsruhe
  • 1978 Diploma in Physics at the University of Marburg, topic: To hopping conductivity in amorphous silicon and germanium, instructors and evaluators: Prof. Dr. Thomas and Dr. Madelung, Evaluation: very good
  • 1981 PhD in Physics at the University of Marburg, topic: the theory of Hall effect in disordered solids, instructors and evaluators: Prof. Dr. Thomas, Prof. Dr. Madelung and Prof. Dr. S. Grossmann, Evaluation: very good
  • 1988 Habilitation in physics at the University of Heidelberg. Theme: Stochastic Hopping transport and Electronic Properties of Disordered and quasi Crystalline system.
  • 1989 Habilitation and Venia legendi for the subject of theoretical Physics at the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich 

Academic experience

  • Lectures tutorials and seminars in Computational Physics and Econophysics for students of all semesters, supervision of dissertations, Dissertations and term papers


Corporate experience

  • Since 1988 scientific staff and lecturer at the Swiss Federal Institute Institute of Technology at the Institute of Theoretical Physics in Zurich


Awards & recognition 

  • 1972 country winners in the competition "Jugend forscht"
  • 1991 Seymour Cray Prize for Scientific Computing
  • 1992 award with a Hardware Donation Grant SUN Europe
  • 1992 winners of the competition "Technology Location Switzerland"
  • 1993 Member of the Editorial Board of the journal "Neural Network World"


Additional Information

  • Since 1990 evaluators in Journal of Physics, Journal of Physics, Journal de Physique, Physica D, Euro Physics Letters, Physical Review B / Letters, Journal of Official Statistics, Neuro computing, Neural Networks World
  • Since 1990 organiser and co organiser of various national and international scientific meetings
  • Since 1991, Chairman of the International PASE meetings (Parallel Applications in Statistics and Economics) in Zurich in 1991, Prague in 1992, Ascona 1993 Trier
  • 1995 Marienbad 1977 Leuven 2000
  • 1994-98 Organizer of the information days of the PRN, forecast circle Zurich.
  • 1997 co-founder and shareholder of ETH spin-off company Finance Online GmbH, Zurich
  • 1999-02 Organizer of courses promoted by the ETH virtual University "eduswiss"
  • Since 1999 ETH / McKinsey Coach ETH Venture 2000 and ETH Venture 2002