Diethelm Wurtz

Adjunct Faculty
Areas of Expertise
- R and Statistics, Machine Learning
- 1975 Bachelor's degree in mathematics and physics at the Technical University of Karlsruhe
- 1978 Diploma in Physics at the University of Marburg, topic: To hopping conductivity in amorphous silicon and germanium, instructors and evaluators: Prof. Dr. Thomas and Dr. Madelung, Evaluation: very good
- 1981 PhD in Physics at the University of Marburg, topic: the theory of Hall effect in disordered solids, instructors and evaluators: Prof. Dr. Thomas, Prof. Dr. Madelung and Prof. Dr. S. Grossmann, Evaluation: very good
- 1988 Habilitation in physics at the University of Heidelberg. Theme: Stochastic Hopping transport and Electronic Properties of Disordered and quasi Crystalline system.
- 1989 Habilitation and Venia legendi for the subject of theoretical Physics at the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich
Academic experience
Lectures tutorials and seminars in Computational Physics and Econophysics for students of all semesters, supervision of dissertations, Dissertations and term papers
Corporate experience
- Since 1988 scientific staff and lecturer at the Swiss Federal Institute Institute of Technology at the Institute of Theoretical Physics in Zurich
Awards & recognition
- 1972 country winners in the competition "Jugend forscht"
- 1991 Seymour Cray Prize for Scientific Computing
- 1992 award with a Hardware Donation Grant SUN Europe
- 1992 winners of the competition "Technology Location Switzerland"
- 1993 Member of the Editorial Board of the journal "Neural Network World"
Additional Information
- Since 1990 evaluators in Journal of Physics, Journal of Physics, Journal de Physique, Physica D, Euro Physics Letters, Physical Review B / Letters, Journal of Official Statistics, Neuro computing, Neural Networks World
- Since 1990 organiser and co organiser of various national and international scientific meetings
- Since 1991, Chairman of the International PASE meetings (Parallel Applications in Statistics and Economics) in Zurich in 1991, Prague in 1992, Ascona 1993 Trier
- 1995 Marienbad 1977 Leuven 2000
- 1994-98 Organizer of the information days of the PRN, forecast circle Zurich.
- 1997 co-founder and shareholder of ETH spin-off company Finance Online GmbH, Zurich
- 1999-02 Organizer of courses promoted by the ETH virtual University "eduswiss"
- Since 1999 ETH / McKinsey Coach ETH Venture 2000 and ETH Venture 2002