SP Jain in the News

Keeping the IT Staff Motivated - Dr Shalini Chandra Shares in The Hindu Business Line


Technology plays a huge role in our lives today. It also shows a firm's ability to communicate smoothly and effectively with both its internal and external stakeholders. But are organizations managing their IT employees in the correct way when they perform knowledge-intensive work in a production-oriented environment?

Dr. Shalini Chandra shares with The Hindu Business Line why we need to examine how IT employees appraise their work and how the appraisal influences their organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB). The results were collected through a two-wave survey design which comprised of >400 employees from an IT company.


About The Hindu Business Line:

Business Line or The Hindu Business Line is an Indian business newspaper published by Kasturi & Sons, the publishers of the newspaper The Hindu located in Chennai, India. The circulation figure is 175,000.